Registration is January 4th 6-8pm
at Hampton Free Methodist Church
Indoor programs and indoor kinder soccer registration January 4th from 6-8pm at the Hampton Free Methodist Church. Our variety of programs, such as Toddler dance (2-3yrs), HipHop (4-6 yrs), HipHop (7-9 yrs), cheer (7-12yrs), kinder soccer and adult classes such as yoga, Spanish and bootcamp/core body for people to enjoy this winter. A non-refundable membership fee of $10/individual or family per year is required to participate in programs and must be presented at the time of program sign-up. Please consult the community association newsletter, Facebook page or visit for final program details or email for the latest program information. HVCA honours other community association memberships. Volunteers are needed to help with special events; please contact