Al Anderson Park

135 Hampton Circle

Located in the centre of Hampton Circle.

Al Anderson is Hampton Village’s largest park. Features include a Splash Park, Community Rink, Playground, Sliding Hill, Ball Diamond, Soccer Fields, and beautiful walking trails.

Anita Langford Park

130 Hampton Circle

Located West of Al Anderson Park.

Draggins Car Club Park

1002 Hampton Circle

Located East of Al Anderson Park.

Features include a Ball Diamond and beautiful walking trails.

C. Jack Mackenzie Park

1362 Richardson Road

Located between Richardson Road & Lehrer Crescent.

Features include beautiful walking trails.

Rik Steernberg Park

310 Hargreaves Green

Rendall Park

1101 Korol Green

Hampton Village Parks

The parks in Hampton Village are named in honour of many notable Saskatonians. Visit our History of Hampton Village page to find out more!