Hello Hampton Village Community Association Members and Residents,

Our annual general meeting is fast approaching. We would love to have your attendance and input at our meeting on October 10th, 2018 @ 6PM. Pizza and pop will be served and there will be a door prize draw as well. We are currently looking to fill 8 board positions so if any of the positions interest you please contact me at president@saskhvca.com.

Attached please find the meeting agenda, 2017 meeting minutes, 2018/2019 budget, Proposed revised bylaws and a chart outlining major changes.

We welcome feedback. Please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or concerns.

Hampton Village Community Association

Amendments to HVCA Bylaws and Articles 20181010
HVCA 2017 Draft AGM Minutes 20171011
HVCA 2018-19 Operating Budget
HVCA Final AGM Agenda 20181010
Official Governance Documents revisions drafted Sept 30 2018