Hello Hampton Village!

Our Community Association has been actively recruiting a volunteer soccer coordinator for the past three months. So far we have been unsuccessful.

Our board has made the hard decision to cancel our indoor soccer season for children aged 5-9 if a coordinator is not found by Wednesday July 31st, 2019. The soccer coordinator is considered a high intensity volunteer position requiring 80-200 hours of work each year (20-30 of these hours are monthly board meetings). The position requires a minimum two year commitment. We have a very supportive board and community consultant who will be more than happy to help our new coordinator learn the ropes. We will also have some help from the Dundonald Community Association as our soccer program is a partnership between the two neighbourhoods.

If you (or you and a friend) are interested in this position please email Cinthia at president@saskhvca.com or contact@saskhvca.com