Hampton Village Community Association does not automatically collect personal and confidential information on the people who visit the Hampton Village Community Association Website. Here’s how we handle the information we receive:
Information Collected and Stored Automatically
When you visit the Hampton Village Community Association website we automatically store information on your web browser, operating system, geographical location, what pages you viewed, the date and time, and what site referred you here. We do not, however, know who you are. This information is used to identify the most common platform used to visit our website and helps us to keep it running smoothly for all visitors.
Personal Information
You may provide us with your personal information. For example, you could send us an e-mail that includes information that may allow us to identify you, or send personal information to a Hampton Village Community Association staff member or volunteer. These communications are considered private and confidential. We will not release your personal information unless you specifically tell us to do so or are required to by law.
The Hampton Village Community Association will not use any personal information given to us except for the purpose that it was provided. For example, we will not use your email address or telephone number to advertise an upcoming event if you used that information to register to an unrelated event unless you’ve specifically requested us to do so.
The Hampton Village Community Association will not provide your personal information to any third party for any reason other than to facilitate activities for which your information was collected. For example, if you register a child in one of our programs, your information will be shared with that program’s coordinator, the individual providing the program (like the coach of your child’s soccer team) and any supporting personnel that may require it to perform tasks related to the program.