We are pleased to offer Youth Soccer to children under the age of 9! There are three age categories: Under 5, Under 7 and Under 9. The focus is on FUN and enjoyment of the game. No standings are kept and there are no assigned referees at this level of play. The indoor season runs from mid-October to mid-March, and the outdoor season runs from May-June.
Players register and become members of their Community Association and the Community Association’s register their teams with Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc., with a fee for service in order to have league schedules created and to have one tournament organized per season. For more information on Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc., visit their website.
PLEASE NOTE: Our Youth Soccer program is entirely parent-led, and we rely on volunteers to coach the teams. Volunteers are primarily drawn from the parents and guardians of the players. Without sufficient volunteers, teams will be cancelled. No experience necessary – training is provided!
Volunteers Needed
We urgently need volunteers to coach our Youth Soccer teams. Team coaches will be reimbursed the full registration fees and assistant coach/gender representative (one per team) will be paid a $50 honorarium, upon completion of season, mandatory courses and requirements.
If you are interested in coaching, or if you have any questions about the program, please email our Youth Soccer Coordinators: soccer@saskhvca.com.
KidSport provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport.
For a KidSport application, please email our Youth Soccer Coordinators at: soccer@saskhvca.com.

Online Registration for 2024-2025 Indoor Youth Soccer will open at 12 p.m. on Sunday, July 7th, 2024. The deadline to register is on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. Late registrations are subject to a $20 late fee.
A community association membership, from anywhere in Saskatoon, must be valid to register for our programs (including FREE programs). Annual HVCA Memberships are $10 per family/household, are valid from July to June, and are non-refundable. When you register for a program, the HVCA Membership fee will automatically be added to your cart, if you haven’t yet purchased one this year. If you hold a valid membership from another community association, please email proof of membership and we will honour it: onlineregistration@saskhvca.com.
Under 5 (Born 2020) | Co-Ed | 3 vs 3 | $140 |
Under 7 (Born 2018/2019) | Girls/Boys | 3 vs 3* | $150 |
Under 9 (Born 2016/2017) | Girls/Boys | 5 vs 5 | $175 |
The 2024-2025 Indoor Season will run from October 19th, 2024-March 16th, 2025. There will be a total of 14 games at Henk Ruys Soccer Centre (219 Primrose Drive), and will be scheduled between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- U5: Games on Sundays
- U7: Games on Sundays
- U9: Games on Saturdays
Each team will have one practice per week. Practice days will be determined by the coach once teams are formed and coaches are assigned.
Players will also have the opportunity to play 3 games in the Mini-SISCO Tournament at the Saskatoon Sports Centre (150 Nelson Road) on March 14th-16th, 2025. Tournament fee is included in registration fees.
Equipment Needed:
Players will be responsible for bringing non-marking indoor shoes. Jerseys will be provided at the beginning of the season, and must be returned to the Team Coach at the end of the season.
Goalkeeper Policy:
There will be no goalkeeper for Under 5 & Under 7. The absence of a goalkeeper allows all the kids to chase the ball down the field. The action is where the fun is, and the fun is where the ball is. This will allow the kids to further develop basic motor skills (running, jumping) as well as soccer specific skills (kicking the ball, dribbling, and passing). The players will be in contact with the ball more and this will allow them to experience “the decision-making process” more, often enhancing their early knowledge and allowing for the reflexes (connections brain-muscles) to be formed. Playing on both offense and defense, will allow the players to SLOWLY begin to understand the role of teammates.
U7 Format Change:
SYSI has changed the Under 7 format of play to align with Canada Soccer’s grassroots standards which requires us to have Under 7 play 3v3 instead of 4v4. The Under 5 and Under 7 teams will be the same format and roster size on a smaller pitch.
Health Guidelines:
It is the parents/guardians responsibility to adhere to the current health guidelines and recommendations, as required by the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Please stay home if you are feeling unwell.
If you have any questions about Youth Soccer, please email the Coordinators: soccer@saskhvca.com.