Advertise with the Hampton Village Community Association!
To submit an advertising request, please email:
Advertising rates are as follows:
Full page ad: $200.00
Half page ad: $100.00 (Must be 5″x7.5″ in Landscape Orientation)
Quarter page ad: $50.00 (Must be 3.75″X5″ in Portrait Orientation)
Business Card ad: $25.00
Prices are per newsletter edition.
All ads are published in the newsletter, which is also posted to our website and Facebook page.
Ads must be submitted in JPEG or PNG formats, and be at least 300 DPI.
Deadlines for advertisement submissions are:
Spring edition: March 30
Fall edition: July 15
Winter edition: November 30
Invoices are emailed to advertisers when the newsletter is printed and posted to the HVCA website. An electronic copy of the newsletter is attached to the invoice so each advertiser can see where their advertisement was placed in the newsletter. Currently, HVCA can only accept cheques for advertising payments. Cheques can be issued to HVCA and mailed to:
Hampton Village Community Association
Unit #10 – 1055 Hampton Circle
Saskatoon, SK
S7R 0G7